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Незаменимая помощь при кардиопроблемах. Отлично работает и по программе предотвращения старения. Основа этого спрея – ресвератрол – сенсационное открытие ученых 21 века!
Уникальный набор (мультивитаминный)витаминов, микроэлементов и питательных веществ, выделенных из экзотических и редчайших плодов, ягод и трав. Остро необходим каждому, даже детям и беременным женщинам.
Traditionally used for promoting cellular rejuvenation,
maqui berry has the Highest antioxidant level of all
fruits and contains a significant amount of
bioflavanoids such as anthocyanins and polyphenols. Maqui is a deeply purpled berries collected from the
distant Patagonia region, that stretches from Southern Chile to
Antarctica, one of the cleanest place on this planet. Maqui berries has
been traditionally used by the Mapachus Indian for a variety of
ailments such as sore throat, diarrhea, ulcers, hemorrhoids, birth
delivery, fever, tumors and other ailments. Due to its deep purple
color given by its extraordinary concentration of anthocyanins it is
also applied as natural colorant in wines and other popular foods and
beverages. Maqui berries contain high content of phenolic compounds and
anthocyanins that exhibits high antioxidant activity.
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