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Be a Recruiting Superstar: The Fast Track to Network Marketing Millions

Network marketing millions of people into successful business owners. But to truly reach their earning potential, network marketers need to successfully grow their businesses by recruiting the right people.

Written by a true network marketing superstar who personally enlisted over one thousand people in her first year, BE A RECRUITING SUPERSTAR: The Fast Track to Network Marketing Millions (AMACOM; May 23, 2008; $16.00 Paperback) reveals a proven, innovative approach to recruiting that gets results fast. author Mary Christensen puts it, "No matter how committed you are to promoting your products, there is a limit to how many people you can reach. Even if you are the greatest salesperson on the planet, there is a limit to the number of hours you can work. If you want to live a life most people only dream about, you have to learn to recruit." Filled with advice and inspiration, BE A RECRUITING SUPERSTAR shows readers how to: discover their own recruiting style will become a great part of their team prospects into partners who never considered network marketing

Packed with helpful worksheets and exercises, the book contains a powerful, 26-step program that will help readers become more persuasive, build relationships, radiate positive energy, overcome roadblocks, and find and attract the right kind of people. Mary Christensen reveals the powerful recruiting techniques used by networking marketing mega-stars, helping readers fast-track their progress in putting together an entire money-making team. Network marketers eager to lift the ceiling off their income will find out how to read prospects to communicate more effectively with them, and develop a compelling personal success story for themselves that will inspire others to join them.

John Fleming, Publisher and Editor in Chief of Direct Selling News, raves, "This book takes the mystery out of how to succeed in network marketing substantive advice, including interactive exercises to help one create an 'action plan for success' marketers everywhere."

This is an indispensable guide that gives network marketers the know-how and confidence they need to grow their enterprise and become top earners.

About the Author:

Mary Christensen has more than 25 years of experience in network marketing, having recruited more than 1,000 people in her first year, and later holding executive roles in two multinational network marketing corporations where she helped thousands to succeed. She is also the author of Be a Network Marketing Superstar (AMACOM 2007).

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Категория: MLM Books | Добавил: AM (03.04.2009)
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