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IT WORKS! R.H. Jarrett

If you KNOW what you WANT
you can HAVE IT
A concise, definite, resultful plan with rules,
explanations and suggestions for bettering your
condition in life.
What is the Real Secret of
Obtaining Desirable Possessions?
ARE some people born under a lucky star or
other charm which enables them to have all that
which seems so desirable, and if not, what is the
cause of the difference in conditions under which
men live?
Many years ago, feeling that there must be a
logical answer to this question, I decided to find
out, if possible, what it was. I found the answer
to my own satisfaction, and for years, have given
the information to others who have used it
From a scientific, psychological or theological
viewpoint, some of the following statements
may be interpreted as incorrect, but nevertheless,
the plan has brought the results desired to those
who have followed the simple instructions, and
it is my sincere belief that I am now presenting
it in a way which will bring happiness and
possessions to many more.
“IF wishes were horses, beggars would ride,” is
the attitude taken by the average man and woman
in regard to possessions. They are not aware of
a power so near that it is overlooked; so simple
in operation that it is difficult to conceive; and
so sure in results that it is not made use of
consciously, or recognized as the cause of failure
or success.
“GEE, I wish that were mine,” is the outburst
of Jimmy, the office boy, as a new red roadster
goes by; and Florence, the telephone operator,
expresses the same thought regarding a ring in
the jeweler’s window; while poor old Jones, the
bookkeeper, during the Sunday stroll, replies to
his wife, “Yes, dear, it would be nice to have a
home like that, but it is out of the question. We
will have to continue to rent.” Landem, the
salesman, protests that he does all the work, gets
the short end of the money and will some day
quit his job and find a real one, and President
Bondum, in his private sanctorum, voices a bitter
tirade against the annual attack of hay-fever.
At home it is much the same. Last evening,
father declared that daughter Mabel was headed
straight for disaster, and today, mother’s
allowance problem and other trying affairs fade
into insignificance as she exclaims, “This is the
last straw. Robert’s school teacher wants to see
me this afternoon. His reports are terrible, I
know, but I’m late for Bridge now. She’ll have
to wait until tomorrow.” So goes the endless
stream of expressions like these from millions
of people in all classes who give no thought to
what they really want, and who are getting all
they are entitled to or expect.
If you are one of these millions of thoughtless
talkers or wishers and would like a decided
change from your present condition, you can
have it, but first of all you must know what you
want and this is no easy task. When you can
train your objective mind (the mind you use
every day) to decide definitely upon the things
or conditions you desire, you will have taken
your first big step in accomplishing or securing
what you know you want.
To get what you want is no more mysterious or
uncertain than the radio waves all around you.
Tune in correctly and you get a perfect result,
but to do this, it is, of course, necessary to know
something of your equipment and have a plan
of operation.
You have within you a mighty power, anxious
and willing to serve you, a power capable of
giving you that which you earnestly desire. This
power is described by Thomson Jay Hudson,
Ph.D., LL.D., author of “The Law of Psychic
Phenomena,” as your subjective mind. Other
learned writers use different names and terms,
but all agree that it is omnipotent. Therefore, I
call this Power “Emmanuel” (God in us).
Regardless of the name of this Great Power, or
the conscious admission of a God, the Power is
capable and willing to carry to a complete and
perfect conclusion every earnest desire of your
objective mind, but you must be really in earnest
about what you want.
Occasional wishing or half-hearted wanting does
not form a perfect connection or communication
with your omnipotent power. You must be in
earnest, sincerely and truthfully desiring certain
conditions or things -- mental, physical or
Your objective mind and will are so vacillating
that you usually only WISH for things and the
wonderful, capable power within you does not
Most wishes are simply vocal expressions.
Jimmy, the office boy, gave no thought of
possessing the red roadster. Landem, the
salesman, was not thinking of any other job or
even thinking at all. President Bondum knew he
had hay fever and was expecting it. Father’s
business was quite likely successful, and mother
no doubt brought home first prize from the
Bridge party that day, but they had no fixed idea
of what they really wanted their children to
accomplish and were actually helping to bring
about the unhappy conditions which existed.
If you are in earnest about changing your present
condition, here is a concise, definite, resultful
plan, with rules, explanations and suggestions.
The Plan..... More?...

The Author

When you read the book - come to us
in the business with AliveMax

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