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Главная » Статьи » MLM Books » Articles about vitamins

Vitamin Supplements, Minerals, Diet and Nutrition Information

Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements

Most people get enough vitamins by eating a varied diet and do not need to take a vitamin supplement. Others, however, do not eat a varied diet and may become deficient in some vitamins. Elderly people in particular may not eat enough different kinds of food and may benefit from a vitamin supplement.

Some research suggests that the body uses up more vitamins when it is under stress, either from illnes or daily life. Many people therefore take vitamins when they are busy feeling run down or have a cold coming on. Smoking and drinking alcohol make it harder for the body to absorb vitamins, so if you smoke or drink heavily, you should either pay special attention to your diet or take a vitamin supplement.

Health Food and Diet Tips

  • Fats are needed to provide energy density and palatability to the diet. It also provides support by acting as a protective layer over the organs. The layer of fat under the skin provides insulation against cold.
  • Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy and essential for oxidation of fats. For Indians, they are a major source of energy providing as much as 90% of total energy.
    Do not squeeze acne with your hands or it will spread more quickly and leave scars.
  • Mix equal quantities of squeezed lemon juice and rose water and apply it on the face. Wash the face after half an hour with fresh water. Pimples are removed within 10 to 15 days.
  • Clean the mouth every morning and evening after eating. This keeps tooth disease away for a long time.
  • Eyesight improves by daily massaging the soles and toes of the foot with mustard oil. It also benefits in dryness, swelling and cracks of the feet, making them strong and soft.
  • Do not rub your eyes. Keep an eye pad made of several layers of gauze for a few hours.
  • One should blink the eyes at least 10 times in succession, while doing constant work with eyes, so that the eye muscles get rest.

The Vitamin D Cure

The Vitamin D
Revolution:How the
Power of This
Amazing Vitamin
Can Change
Your Life

Encyclopedia of
The Essential
Guide for
Improving Your
Health Naturally

The Antioxidant
Put Lipoic Acid,
Pycnogenol, and
Vitamins E and C to
Work for You

Категория: Articles about vitamins | Добавил: AM (03.04.2009)
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